Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Street Markets and Daily Adventures

Finally have gotten some sleep and got some spare time to update! Still one day behind but let me catch up on everything. So yesterday we had a few lectures, some museum tours, and then got some sushi and headed off to the nearby night market.

The lectures we had yesterday I found really interesting. Most of the subjects I have not dealt with in my major so all of this is new information to me. I think the most interesting topic we learned about dealt with the research dealing with energy generation from an underwater turbine. This was a technology I had not even thought of but in actuality it makes a lot of sense. It is a known fact that our earth is covered more by water then land and it would make sense to take advantage of this and use it for alternative energy. The project proposed seemed like a bit of a rough draft though and the design seems like it would have a lot of possible dangers associated with it. I will be really interested to see if this type of energy actually goes into use in the future.

The museums we went to at the university were also pretty interesting. The variety of plants and bugs that are able to survive on one small island is quite amazing and I definitely saw the application of this today on our trip to the national park. Although the stench was a little overwhelming, I liked being able to go through the drawers of insects and see the variety we talked about in lecture.

Last thing for the day was another night market and a trip to sushi. Let me first off say that if I could have one food every day for the rest of my life it would definitely be sushi. I really cannot get enough of it and the place we went to was great. All the tables surrounded a conveyor belt to pick up small dishes and eat whatever looked good to you. I was able to try a lot of new kinds of sushi and was not disappointed. Then we headed over to the night market which has definitely been my favorite shopping locale so far. Good variety, good price; not sure what could make it much better than that. Hopefully will be able to go back there again.

Onto today! Started of at Yanmingshan National Park. I think I have found a whole new appreciation for nature today. Maybe it's an engineering thing, but I usually think that practicality rules over beauty. While I do love music and like to go to art museums, I have not been the biggest fan of nature watching, going to zoos, etc. I can understand the passion in which the professors of this university find in nature. Walking even through one park today, the variety of plants, insects, and geography is something I have never experienced. I felt like a kid in a toystore needing to touch and analyze everything within reach. It was really beautiful. We also went to a bath house later which was also pretty neat. Got to finish my last Chinese class tonight. Wo ai Taiwan.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Past Two Days!

Been a busy past few days and definitely feeling the effects from my sleep deprivation. Overall, it's been worth it though and would always take a few days of adventure over sleeping. Haven't posted for two days so first let's start with Monday. Think I will talk about today tomorrow. Must get some rest and address this sleep deprivation:

Major events- Lectures, Tours, Scavenger Hunt, Karaoke, Foodfoodfood, and Chinese Class!

I'm finding the food here absolutely wonderful. A lot of new flavors and varieties of food. Tried beef noodles at the place William recommended and I definitely won't be surprised if I find myself back there before I leave :/

Karaoke downtown last night was awesome! It was an entire hotel just filled with rooms for singing. Nothing like I've ever seen before. Got to practice the song we learned in Chinese class so me and Thomas can perform again. I have decided to make a constant effort to add Chinese into daily vocabulary so hopefully I can be able to be proficient before I leave. Is definitely necessary so I can start doing some bartering in the "Ye Shi."

Going to catch up on everything tomorrow! Gnight for now!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day!

So we just finished our first complete day in Taipei! We went and visited a museum as well as the Chiang Kai-Shek memorial. It was really amazing seeing the ornate architecture at the memorial. The statue of him is huge and had an interesting shadow. It allowed him to look to both sides at the same time.

I also went to my first night market. It was definitely an experience different to something I've ever seen before. All the shops were so diverse. I think my most adventurous foods tasted had to be the pig's blood cake and the snake soup. Don't think I'll be having the pig's blood again but the eel was a bit more managable. Think my favorite food was the lychee fruit. So sweet. Will definitely be trying that again.

Well I guess that's it for now. Met a lot of great people so far and excited for tomorrow!


Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey Guys!

My name is Christine and I'm going to be a senior at the University of Illinois. My major is General Engineering. I'm extremely excited for the trip and can't wait to meet everyone! At the airport right now with Brooke and Matt waiting for our flight to Tokyo. Long trip and can't be wait to be there already. See you all soon!