Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Past Two Days!

Been a busy past few days and definitely feeling the effects from my sleep deprivation. Overall, it's been worth it though and would always take a few days of adventure over sleeping. Haven't posted for two days so first let's start with Monday. Think I will talk about today tomorrow. Must get some rest and address this sleep deprivation:

Major events- Lectures, Tours, Scavenger Hunt, Karaoke, Foodfoodfood, and Chinese Class!

I'm finding the food here absolutely wonderful. A lot of new flavors and varieties of food. Tried beef noodles at the place William recommended and I definitely won't be surprised if I find myself back there before I leave :/

Karaoke downtown last night was awesome! It was an entire hotel just filled with rooms for singing. Nothing like I've ever seen before. Got to practice the song we learned in Chinese class so me and Thomas can perform again. I have decided to make a constant effort to add Chinese into daily vocabulary so hopefully I can be able to be proficient before I leave. Is definitely necessary so I can start doing some bartering in the "Ye Shi."

Going to catch up on everything tomorrow! Gnight for now!

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