Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Day!

So we just finished our first complete day in Taipei! We went and visited a museum as well as the Chiang Kai-Shek memorial. It was really amazing seeing the ornate architecture at the memorial. The statue of him is huge and had an interesting shadow. It allowed him to look to both sides at the same time.

I also went to my first night market. It was definitely an experience different to something I've ever seen before. All the shops were so diverse. I think my most adventurous foods tasted had to be the pig's blood cake and the snake soup. Don't think I'll be having the pig's blood again but the eel was a bit more managable. Think my favorite food was the lychee fruit. So sweet. Will definitely be trying that again.

Well I guess that's it for now. Met a lot of great people so far and excited for tomorrow!


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