Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busing Down the Coast

Today was an early start as we continued down the east coast. The geography was mainly the same as yesterday but we got the opportunity to venture further into the mountains today. We hiked along a trail that bordered a river cutting through high lush mountains. It was nice having a little cooler weather today although still got a bit burned. The best part of the day was traveling down and swimming in the river. The water is so blue and was surrounded by rocks all around. 
We had a few more stops along the way to see some of the more famous areas around the road. We finally got to the hotel and had a lecture tonight talking a bit about some of the plant species will be seeing in the next few weeks. It was funny seeing how similar some of the plant species are to the ones in the US. I'm excited to see a few of the endemic species we saw in the slides tonight.
Not sure how the wifi or my laptop battery will be holding up for the next few days but hopefully will be able to continue to update daily. Be blogging soon!

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