Friday, July 22, 2011

Last Day in Xitou!

July 19th- Today is the last day in Xitou! We worked more seriously on the project today. I got a good amount of the paper done. We tried to get a bit of analysis out of the way by talking to some of the people who work at the plantation. What they did tell us was kind of dissappointing. It seems that the soil doesn't affect the plants as much as we had thought. I think another one of the big issues is the complexity of soil. It is pretty difficult to make decisive conclusions about the plant soil relationship. Soil conditions can be within a certain range and still allow for good plant growth. I guess we will have to see what happens when we test the pH back at NTU. 

I'm excited to go back to Taipei. I have always grown up around big cities and I enjoy living in a more chaotic atmosphere I suppose. I'm really happy we had the opportunity to go to Xitou though. I definitely cannot see that type of plant life anywhere in the US.

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