Friday, July 22, 2011

Exploring Xitou

July 18- The focus of today was on our project. Because we had finished all of sampling the day before, my group and I had a little more free time than some of the others had. In the morning I spent some time hiking around the park. I walked over to some of the major landmarks of Xitou. I stopped by the sky walk, giant tree, and the rainbow bridge. The sky walk was a really cool area that allowed you to walk eye level with the towering trees. I was disappointed by the short length of the sky walk but still thought the view down to the winding trails was great.
I met up with a few of the other students at the sky walk and headed with them over to Giant Tree. I didn’t stay at the Giant Tree too long before heading over to the Rainbow Bridge. I loved the walk up the Rainbow Bridge Trail. It was narrow and wound through the trees and over small streams. The trees parted at the bridge to larger flowing river. Of course, I had to spend a few minutes taking it all in. This included snapping a few photos. Afterwards, I descended back to the dorm for lunch.
During the afternoon I went over to the Monster Village for my third time. I tried the apple bananas they were selling at a stand there. I really enjoyed the taste, but I think I may have enjoyed the color more. The taste really wasn’t to far from a normal banana. I also bought some breads at a store in the village. Brooke and I waited in line for probably about a half hour before getting to the front of the line. It was worth it though and I enjoyed everything I purchased.
Later on in the night, I spent some time discussing the project with the group. Tomorrow will be a bit busier. We are hoping to get as much done as possible so that we will have some free time once we are back in Xitou. 

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