Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Central Taiwan

July 12th- The day went pretty fast. Started out the day at an aboriginal museum that explained a bit about their culture and major products. They had mostly plum related items and we saw the wine casks where the rice wine ferments. All of this was new to me and I had to pick up a few items at the gift shop.

We then went to an aborigine village. The people were so hospitable and made us a full lunch, which has been one of the best so far. The fish was awesome and I saw the first real sausage that wasn't a hot dog. It seems that everyone here think there one in the same. It's kind of humorous. Anyway, after lunch we headed back to our dorms and then got a tour of the wood refining area at the dorm we are staying at. It's really shocking to see the ease in which they are able to create usable wood. Later in tonight we saw a video that showed how lumber is produced in tree farms. This was on a much larger scale and more machine dependent. They ran through rows of trees like it was nothing at all.

Finally, we also got to make a bench today. The laser inscription was a really great touch and enjoyed personalizing my bench with the tiles as well. I'm going to have to get another suitcase for all of these souvenirs I've been accumulating.

July 11th- We had a nice calmer day. We started a little bit later today at 8 and then learned a little bit about the agriculture of the aboriginal people. It was interesting relating area, and outer influence to the crop choices. It definitely has a great effect on what the aborigines choose to grow.

I really enjoyed participating in the tomato harvest today. It was a nice break from the lecture setting and I can never say no to any fresh vegetables or fruit. I stuffed my container to maximum compacity and expect on eating most of it. The same tomatoes we got during lunch were really fantastic.

We drove for a few hours after the tomato picking and have stopped in Shueli Wood Utilization and Product Exhibition Center for the next two nights. The area is owned by NTU and is focused on the development of forestry worldwide. We toured the museum and it was really interesting seeing the variety in their. The building had a variety of furniture and sculptures created there, and the whole entire building was also made in wood. I'm interested to see more of the manufacturing processes tomorrow.

July 10th- Happy Picking Flowers Day! Was woken up to the alarm a bit too early it seemed like today but that seems to be when the most birds are out. We did catch a good amount of birds, so overall was worth the early morning call.

We then had an introduction lecture to the farm and went over to where they dry flowers. I will definitely be trying that when I get home. We saw some of the areas where they cultivate flowers and fruit. The variety of colors and types of flowers was really amazing and so beautiful.

The afternoon was the real highlight of the day. We got a more interactive experience by creating our own flower bouquet and beet picking. I think my favorite part of the day was picking the beet and then trying the blended beet and fruit juice. I don't know if I would add this to my daily regimen but the drink was good, although rather pulpy. 

To finish off the day was a tea culture lecture. The taste tests provided a nice break in the lecture and it was interesting hearing about the mix of chemistry and art in the tea making process. After a month here I may be pushed out of my Starbucks rut. So far the tea I've had has been good and probably healthier than my sugar-laden frappuccino. Well, we'll see; anyway, overall was a really busy but probably one of the most interesting days here.

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