Monday, July 25, 2011

Final Day!

July 23- Today was the last day of the program. It was really a bittersweet moment finally getting through the research project. We had been working on it a lot in the past few weeks, but it solidified the fact we would be leaving Taiwan soon. I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone in the program. All the professors and speakers did such a good job and I have learned so much in this past month. The speakers were extremely knowledgeable and I can only hope to be able to have as much interest as they do in there chosen fields of study. I wanted to thank Jack and TAs for coming a long with us and putting up with our sometimes ridiculous antics. It can be hard trying to move around 16 students around the country and I have to give you guys a lot of credit. Finally I wanted to say thanks to all of my fellow students. We really had some amazing times throughout the trip and some memories I hope to never forget. The NTU students really helped getting around Taipei and helping in language barrier situations. Overall, I hope to be able to meet up with people in the program again somewhere down the road. I wish everyone the best and it's sad to say this is my final blog! I will miss Taiwan and hope to come back soon!

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