Friday, July 22, 2011

Project Work

July 17-We started off the day with two different lectures. The first one dealt with statistics. It was very useful to help get an idea of the best way to analyze the data for our project. Our group was also able to find ways to decrease extra variables when we collect our soil samples. Our second lecture dealt with soil biodiversity. This lecture was pretty interesting and also related a lot to our project. I have never taken a soils class previously. There is a lot more to soil than meets the eye and the amount of living things within soil is quite amazing. I have been interested in organic farming for a while and it was interesting to hear a bit about DNA hybridization. We had a bit of time after the lecture to full proof our data collection technique. The soil lecturer helped a lot with this.
After lunch our group went out into Xitou to collect our data. We walked to four different areas (Cedar Forest, Ginkgo Plantation, Coniferous Plantation, and Bamboo Plantation). Each area had individual characteristics and I’m interested how our laboratory soil analysis at NTU will turn out. I’m probably going to write up most of the data we collected tonight. It’s quite a short time for a research project so I’m going to take full advantage of the time we have.  Having the internet back at NTU will give us a better ability to analyze data.
I ended the day at a Japanese style market right outside the gates. Me and Tian-Lin trekked out there tonight. I love the atmosphere in the market and I will be heading back there before we go back to Xitou. They had some really interesting apple bananas. The vendor explained that although the bananas were shaped normally the red color distinguished them. Apparently the flavor is a mixture between both fruits. I’ll definitely be purchasing those pretty soon to try out.
Well going to get to bed early tonight. I think I’m going to do some hiking around Xitou tomorrow in between data analysis. Seems like I still have a lot to explore before we leave!

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