Sunday, July 17, 2011

Endemic Species Museum!

July 13th- Final stretch before Xitou! We left the Wood Utilization and Product Exhibition Center and headed to the Endemic Species Research Institute. We spent most of the day here listening to a few lectures and taking a tour around the facility. We were able to go into one of the rooms there that held a lot of wildlife native to Taiwan. There were tons of birds surrounding the outer edges of the room. The really interesting specimens were on the inside of the movable drawers where there was a few clouded leopards. It was amazing seeing them and it is unfortunate that they are probably extinct. We also got to go to the animal hospital at the center. We saw some more rare species including the serpent eagle, and some raptors. The serpent eagle was so calm in person and it was nice to see that they were able to give that one a more natural habitat. Hopefully some of the other birds out there in the future will get a more natural home.

We later on had a lecture about bats. This lecture was pretty different from others we have had. There are apparently 35 species of bats in Taiwan. At the end of the lecture the lecturer even brought out a small native bat for us to see. This was the first time I have been able to hold and touch a bat. The wings are so fragile form what I would imagine. It is funny because I would compare the webbing to a frogs feet. They have such an interesting body structure.

We stopped at an old temple for a bit and then headed to the Tea Plantation. Once the fog cleared from the balcony of our hotel you could look down and see and expanse of lights from the county below. I love this area and really have to travel back here if I get the opportunity. We got to celebrate Ashley's birthday tonight! She's so sweet and I'm glad to see she had a good time on her birthday!

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